Amidon Research

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amidon research 

P.O. Box 5305 • River Forest IL 60305-5305

Phone: 708.488.1950 • Fax: 708.488.1951

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amidon research analyzes economic, political and human‑capital data to provide consulting services to business enterprises and nonprofit organizations.

  • We report and analyze trends in marketplace practice, government policy, legislative action and regulatory compliance.
  • We develop multiple‑year business plans and pro forma financial statements, for both start‑up and established companies, and examine alternative financing arrangements and profit scenarios.
  • We conduct market analysis, develop marketing plans, configure marketing networks and design sales compensation programs that support strategic objectives.
  • We analyze production and service capabilities, procedures, outcomes and costs to improve operations, control costs, enhance quality and promote innovation.
  • We examine sourcing and supply arrangements to develop cost and performance standards covering providers of raw materials, product components, transport, utilities, travel services, office equipment and supplies, banking, insurance and professional services.
  • We audit human‑resources programs and practices, analyze organization structure and job content, devise staffing plans, develop salary and incentive pay systems and design executive compensation programs.  For further information on executive compensation and total‑rewards systems, please see our companion Website

In consulting assignments, we employ a variety of statistical analytical techniques; and we seek to make optimal use of a client organization’s existing software and databases, in order to integrate information across the enterprise.  We can conduct workshops for client personnel; and we can organize multiple‑client work groups within and across different industries and locales.

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